When I write that number, it really doesn't look like we've been waiting all that long. 8 months....if I were truly pregnant, I would be weeks away from adding baby #2 to our family. Instead, we are probably more like a year to a year and a half away from our little baby 'E'. For some reason, I thought this wait was going to be easier. So far, I feel as though we've done a good job surviving the wait. We've went on with our daily lives with work, life, and just soaking up every minute possible with Allie. However, it's starting to get more difficult to wait...
Allie would be such a wonderful big sister right now. Whenever there is a baby within a hundred (who's kidding themselves....1,000) feet, she runs up and loves on them (maybe a little too much sometimes). She's constantly feeding, holding, bathing, burping, rocking, dressing up, and singing to her babies. Before we can say our prayers and get ready for bed at night, Allie has to put her baby to sleep in it's bed and kiss her goodnight! I want so badly for Allie and her brother or sister to be close in age, however as the time continues to pass I'm beginning to realize that dream is out of our hands. I have to continue to believe that God has a bigger plan for us than we know and that we just have to be patient and trust in him.
Collaboration request
11 months ago
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