
More changes with the Ethiopia program bring tough choices

After much consideration, many tears, and a heavy heart we've decided that the best thing for our family of four ("C" included of course) is for us to withdraw from the Ethiopia program. With the new update on the CHSFS Ethiopia website about the wait between referral and 2nd travel being 1 year (and I have a feeling it will extend past that), we feel that even though Ethiopia is in our heart it's not what is best for our family.  We can't imagine seeing a picture of our child and not being able to bring him/her home for a year or more.  We want to thank our friends and family for the love and support they've given to us over the past 2 1/2 years as we have journeyed to "baby E."  When we chose Ethiopia we did so because we not only loved the program, but we loved the Ethiopian culture as a whole.  This decision was not an easy decision to make and we can only hope that our love for Ethiopia can be expressed in another way in the future.  We know that God put Ethiopia in our hearts for a reason and that someday he will make the reason more clear. 


Katie said...

Love you! I don't know what else to say. Just let me know when I can take you out for dinner or drinks or ice cream...

Christy. said...

I'm so sorry you had to make that decision! God is growing your family in His way!